About us

“We believe that responsible business only has a chance of sustainable development if it is created by people who realize their passion and at the same time fulfill the dreams of others.”


OGEN was created for all those who want to take care of themselves and their loved ones every day, in a way that is compatible with their body. We provide our customers access to the latest advances in genetics and advanced technology. Thanks to OGEN you will know the information stored in your genes. Our goal is to promote individual genetics analysis for real and prophylactic life and health protection. We believe that thanks to the discussion triggered by the OGEN, the genetic care will be particularly extended to all those whose family history shows predispositions to serious health burdens, patients with conjugated disorders and people left without a clear medical diagnosis.

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We believe that responsible business only has a chance of sustainable development if it is created by people who realize their passion and at the same time fulfill the dreams of others.